Regarding idiopathic toe walking child syndrome
Dr.Hab., Professor A.P. Shklyarenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor T.G. Kovalenko2
Associate Professor, PhD D.A. Ulyanov2
1Slavyansk-on-Kuban branch of Kuban State University, Slavyansk-on-Kuban
2Volgograd State University, Volgograd
The study gives a theoretical analysis of the idiopathic toe walking child syndrome viewed as a natural ontogenetic disorder. It should be noted that some children walk on toes to reach the things of interests, attract attention or mimic dancing movements – and in this cases the toe walking may be ranked physiologically normal when otherwise the child walks as usual. However, a habitual toe walking may result in postural disorders including scoliosis, tendons related issues, retarded physical progress, poor coordination and developmental disorders.
We offer a set of therapeutic methods to cure idiopathic toe walking syndrome geared to improve the muscular tonus and movement coordination, including therapeutic gymnastics and special massage tools. We also believe that the physiologically normal toe walking shall be limited by 12 months of age, with special preventive actions taken since 6 months of age to form the primary right stepping habit and skills in the child movement correction process.
Keywords: idiopathic toe walking syndrome, dynamic stereotype, static deformation of feet, preventive practices.
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