Primary schoolchildren’s progress in physical education lessons versus off-class wrestling sport groups
Associate Professor, PhD G.V. Shvets1
Associate Professor, PhD T.I. Polunina1
Associate Professor, PhD E.D. Mitusova1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Moscow Region
Objective of the study was to analyze progress of the 1-4-grade schoolchildren in the physical education lessons versus their peers’ progress in the off-class wrestling groups. Sampled for the study were the 1-4-grade schoolchildren (n=60) from Secondary School #24 of Kolomna city (Moscow Oblast) split up into Experimental (EG) and Reference (RG) Groups. The RG was trained as required by the valid school physical education program by V.I. Lyakh with the optional team sports and active games; and the EG was trained as required by the Wrestling Sport for General Education Schools of Moscow Oblast program of our own design.
The study data and analyses showed benefits of the off-class wrestling sport service for the primary school population as verified by the EG progress in the physical fitness, health and motivation test rates.
Keywords: school pupils, general education school, physical education lessons, off-class trainings, wrestling sport.
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