School graduates’ physical fitness analysis versus entrance requirements of fire and rescue academy
Postgraduate A.V. Makarov
Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, Zheleznogorsk
The study makes the school graduates’ physical fitness analysis versus the entrance requirements of Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy (SFRA). Sampled for the study purposes were 300 entrants to SFRA in Zheleznogorsk in the Krasnoyarsk district. The entrants’ physical fitness was rated by the 3000m run (endurance rating) test; 100m sprint (speed endurance rating) test; and the pull-ups on a horizontal bar test. Based on the test data and analyses, the authors recommend to select only the physically fit entrants to SFRA; offer a physical fitness course for the senior schoolchildren willing to enter SFRA; and secure physical progress of beginner students by advanced body conditioning and applied academic physical education and sports service; and motivate unfit students for the self-reliant off-class and group physical education and sports trainings.
Keywords: physical education, senior schoolchildren, students, Fire and Rescue Academy .
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