Student physical fitness versus GTO complex test standards: benchmarking analysis
Dr.Hab., Professor S.I. Filimonova1, 4
Dr.Hab., Professor, Associate Professor I.A. Sabirova2
Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Gotovtsev3
A.M. Korablina3
Y.B. Almazova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Voronezh
3Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh
4Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
The study analyzes the issues of the GTO Complex implementation in the academic physical education and sports curricula based on the physical fitness versus the GTO Complex test standards benchmarking analysis. The technical university students test data showed their physical fitness being low, with particularly poor test rates in the speed, speed-strength and coordination tests – that are mostly short of the requirements of the relevant GTO Complex Class and academic standards. The education system urgently needs the relevant regulatory provisions to effectively integrate the GTO Complex into the academic curricula with clear terms of reference and responsibilities. Frame modular physical education and sports curriculum compliant with the valid FSHES 3++ shall be designed with due customization to the actual physical fitness rates of the student population versus the practical experience of the GTO Complex tests. Elective academic physical education and sports disciplines shall be designed with a special priority to the strength and speed-strength building practices to bridge the gaps in the actual physical fitness.
Keywords: physical education, physical fitness, GTO Complex, GTO badge.
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