Multisided personality developmental benefits of practical shooting sport
PhD A.I. Kondrukh
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study analyzes benefits of the modern practical shooting sport for the creative and multisided personality developmental, cultural, health improvement and professional progress related purposes. Cultural effects of the practical shooting sport were found to notably contribute to the personality shaping and development process in many aspects other than the sport-unspecific individual qualities prior to the practical shooting sport. Theoretical findings of the study were tested in practical trainings at 139 non-governmental education establishments and sport clubs providing practical shooting services, with 635 trainees sampled for the study. The study data and analysis found high and multisided benefits of the practical shooting sport for the personality developmental and cultural agendas, conditional on the trainees being well motivated for progress and success.
Keywords: educational benefits, practical shooting, personality, athlete.
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