General education school versus sport school students’ sport motivations analysis



Associate Professor, PhD T.S. Pilishvili1
A.S. Klinkov1
1Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze sport motivations of the 12-13 year old school students of a general education school versus a sport school; with the Moscow General Education School #1945 students (n=60) and Moscow Sport Committee’s Sport and Education Center ‘Sambo-70’ students (n=60) sampled for the study. The non-sporting and sporting groups were evenly matched by the gender subgroups. We applied dependable mental state tests to rate the group motivations for sports. The study data and analyses showed the non-sporting group giving a high priority to the knowledge building; special skills mastering; willpower enforcement; mental conditioning; physical perfection; aesthetics; pleasure and drive; practical skills and competence building; and the public appreciation related motivations. The sporting group was tested to give a high priority to the practical and volitional; spiritual and material; mental tolerance building; wellbeing; collectivistic spirit; and the physical self-assertion related motivations.

Keywords: artistic gymnastics, physical education, sport motivations, drivers, adolescents.


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