Middle blocker training model for academic volleyball team
I.V. Kiseleva1
Master's student Y.V. Verny1
Associate Professor, PhD N.V. Andrianova2
1Moscow State Regional University, Mytishchi, Moscow Region
2State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow region
Objective of the study was to test benefits of a middle blocker (hitter) training model for an academic picked volleyball team. The study offers a special middle blocker training model with a special priority to the technical and special physical training components in a yearly training cycle. The technical training component of the middle blocker training model includes: individual attack mastering exercises; individual attack mastering exercises with distracters; individual block mastering exercises; individual block positioning skills mastering exercises; group block practices; post-attack safety skills developing exercises; and combined/ versatile group practices. Coaches are recommended to be governed by a dynamic harmony principle in selecting and combining the special physical training tools – that means that the practices shall be designed to mimic as close as possible the competitive performance in terms of the working muscle groups; movement vectors and amplitudes; workloads and their timing; movement speeds; and the muscle working regimen.
Keywords: academic volleyball team, volleyball, middle blocker/ hitter.
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