Year-round Nordic walking practices to improve physicality in cold climatic conditions



Associate Professor, PhD S.S. Gulyaeva
Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for a year-round Nordic walking practicing model designed to improve senior women’s physicality in cold climatic conditions of the Russian northern areas. The study was designed to test the new Nordic walking model combined with traditional health and physical conditioning practices. The combined Nordic walking plus physical conditioning model testing experiment was run in natural environments for one calendar year. The training model offered 3-4 group trainings per week for small groups of 40-65 year-old women complemented by their self-reliant home trainings, with the training formats and loads customizable on an individual basis.
The combined Nordic walking plus physical conditioning model testing experiment showed benefits of the model as verified by trainees’ progress in the cardiovascular and respiratory system performance and the physicality and coordination rating tests. The groups were tested with significant improvements in the cardiovascular system responses to physical workloads. The training model was found efficient for the initiatives to maintain and improve the senior women’s physicality and functionality rates.

Keywords: physical education and health trainings, Northern areas, cold climate, Nordic walking, physicality rates.


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