Partnerships of general education schools, sport schools and universities to advance sport-prioritizing physical education projects



Associate Professor, PhD E.D. Mitusova1
Associate Professor, PhD T.I. Polunina1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow region

Objective of the study was to provide theoretical and practical grounds for effective partnerships of national general education schools, sport schools and universities to advance the sport-prioritizing physical education projects, with school Greco-Roman wrestling sport taken for the case study. The study was performed at general education schools (GES) of Kolomna city, with experiments designed to rate the GES physical education and sport service, individual mastery of the school physical education and advanced course teachers, and the students’ physical fitness. MSHU was commissioned by the Ministry of Education to develop and implement the sports-prioritizing physical education service in the GES programs. The sports-prioritizing school physical education service was found beneficial as verified by the students’ physical progress tests and their growing motivations for the school physical education and sports – conditional on the PES service (including the Greco-Roman wrestling sport) being duly designed and managed. Leaders of the school sports were offered further progress opportunities including nominations to the relevant junior sport schools and special external physical education groups. The partnership projects will be designed to offer, with progress of school Greco-Roman wrestling groups, further sport excellence formats including the school sport clubs and school sport teams.

Keywords: sports-prioritizing physical education, sport school, general education school.


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