Problems of modern Olympic sports in context of Olympic values revision process



Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1
Postgraduate D.I. Ivanov2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Perm Territory, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to draw attention to the problems faced by the modern Olympic sports in context of the ongoing Olympic values, concepts and ideas revision process. Based on analyses of the research database on the subject, we overviewed the modern Olympic movement and outlined the key problems it faces. To better understand the modern trends in this domain and the Olympic movement development prospects in a grass-root perspective, we run a questionnaire survey of the 20-years-old 1-4-year CSUPE students in 2018. The survey found that the modern Olympic movement is perceived as moving far away from the values of its modern renaissance period in many aspects including the attitudes to the Olympic values and ideals in the athletic, coaching, management and supporter communities. The modern Olympic Games and international sport movements on the whole are viewed as exposed to multiple negative influences and issues that are still largely ignored or unresolved. Therefore, the respondents believe that the modern nations need to come back to the genuine core Olympic ideas and values with their fair play principles and humanistic concepts of the renaissance period.

Keywords: Olympic concepts, modern challenges, values, crisis of Olympic movement, revision.


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