Functional cost of key training tools in youth track and field sports
Associate Professor, PhD M.S. Veselkin1
Postgraduate student A.V. Lazutkin1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region
In view of the fact that modern training game elements facilitate progress in physical qualities on a highly positive emotional background in the modern track and field sports, we assumed that it could be beneficial to rate the functional cost of the key training tools making an emphasis on the modern game elements with the workloads grouped by intensity zones. The functional cost data were expected to improve the training process management by the intensity zones with account of the energy supply profiles (using the heart rate tests) for each training session and micro-, meso- and macro-cycle. The heart rate test data were used in the study to track and control the training process intensities. The study data and analyses showed that the modern game elements reasonably applied in trainings are highly beneficial for the 12-16 year olds’ in view of the age-specific physical and functional fitness levels since they are less stressful for the junior body and mind; efficiently encourage progress in the mental control/ balancing qualities and skills; and spur up the children’s interest in trainings. It was also found that the standard interval training practices may be counterproductive and even harmful for the age group due to its still underdeveloped cardiovascular system functionality.
Keywords: functional cost, training process, track and field sports, game-prioritizing trainings, active games.
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