Hook training model with application of fast-response sail training machine



PhD, Associate Professor M.Yu. Stepanov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.B Salamatov2
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
2Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

Modern training systems applied in martial arts (including boxing, karate, kickboxing) give a top priority to the power punch training tools, with a special emphasis on the punching speed and key muscle (limb/ side abdominal, dorsal and shoulder) strength building aspects. V.I. Filimonov found a high correlation between the punch power and leg-trunk muscle strength rates in the boxing masters (r=0.916, p<0.01) and recommended giving a special attention to transversospinalis training. It is important that these tonic/ postural muscles are controlled by the cerebral sub-cortex and may not be easily trained. Special training methods, tools and mechanical systems are required to train these muscle groups. We applied a fast-response Sail Training Machine to train spinal twists by the gradually increased training workloads. The fast-response system makes it possible to scale down the exposure to injuries and highly expand the range of the transversospinalis training exercises.

Keywords: dynamic and postural control muscles, fast-response Sail Training Machine, hook.


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