Ural and Siberian federal districts: rating fitness of school physical education teachers for sportizated educational technologies
Associate Professor A.G. Polivaev
Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (branch), Tyumen State University, Ishim
The study analyses data of the questionnaire survey designed to probe fitness of school Physical Education teachers (n=600) for the sportizated educational technologies in the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts, in the context of the alternative sportizated (sports-prioritizing) physical education model under implementation. The survey data and analyses showed the school Physical Education personnel being largely unfit in many theoretical and practical for the sportizated (sports-prioritizing) physical education models albeit the available school assets and equipment give ample opportunities for success of such projects. It was also found most of the sample willing to master these new physical education technologies and enthusiastic about their application at schools. It may be concluded that the issue of the school Physical Education teachers’ fitness for the sports-driven education technologies is highly topical today, and efficient training sportizated (sports-prioritizing) physical education master training and advancement models need to be developed and implemented by the national universities.
Keywords: academic educational system, sportizated physical education, Physical Education teacher, professional service competency.
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