Physical education department of Mordovian State pedagogical institute: specialist education networking model
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2019
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Antonova1
PhD P.V. Zamkin1
PhD V.V. Miroshkin1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk
Physical Education Department established in 1971 at Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev has heavily contributed to the sport culture in the Republic of Mordovia and formed a basis for Physical Education specialist training system and the Physical Education Department research and education elite formation in the Republic. The Physical Education Department has made a great progress from the modest physical education unit to the leading Physical Education Department education, research and methodological center in the region. Today it remains the sole university in Mordovia that trains Physical Education and Sport specialists. It takes pride in its highly knowledgeable, skilled, creative, competitive, mobile and socially responsible graduates including the global and national sport celebrities, World and Olympic champions, winners of many other top-ranking international events, top professional teachers and sport managers. High quality of the academic education service and successes of the Physical Education Department graduates in the Republic and abroad have been secured by the harmonized theoretical and practical education components, well-developed innovative assets and equipment and efficient human personnel management policies and practices.
The national and social development goals and challenges require the academic education process being updated on a timely basis, and the Physical Education Department management gives a high priority to the professional academic education service improvement projects, particularly the practice-prioritizing and networking ones.
Keywords: Physical Education departments, pedagogic institute, pedagogic education, practice-prioritizing approach, networking.
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