Practice-prioritizing training of future teachers for off-class health sport service
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2019
PhD S.V. Bakulin1
Dr.Hab., Professor T.I. Shukshina1
PhD E.A. Bakulina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.I. Laptun1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk
Modern general education school service is expected to offer every opportunity to facilitate the personality development and form sound values and motivations for individual self-fulfillment and growth in every aspect. The individual progress agendas and relevant personality qualities are given a special priority in the context of the graduates’ social responsibilities. Due motivations for the personality development and accomplishments are particularly important for the teenage school population, and the school off-class health sport service is considered among the most promising domains for this age group formation. This is the reason why future teachers should be well trained for the off-class health sport service with a focus on its contribution to the personality development and success agenda.
Used for the study purposes was an analysis of the theoretical and practical literature on the relevant psychological, educational, research and didactic issues. The study included two stages, with the first stage designed to establish the key theoretical provisions and outline the problems and potential solutions; and stage two was intended to develop and test benefits of an advanced practice-prioritizing off-class health sport service model for the future Physical Education teachers.
Keywords: practice-prioritizing training, future teacher, teenagers, off-class health sport service, competence, individual success.
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