Junior age- and central nervous system-type specific group differences in strength abilities
PhD, Associate Professor E.M. Revenko
Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy, Omsk
Knowledge and consideration of patterns of age-related development of human abilities affect the efficiency of the organization of the physical education and sports training system. However, as noted by E.P. Ilyin, the matter of individual differences in the rates of age-related development of motor abilities is the least studied. The lack of solution to this issue is one of the reasons for the low efficiency of the physical education system for the younger generations.
The article analyzes the junior age- and central nervous system-type specific group differences in strength abilities based on the test data mined in the period of 2007-16. Sampled for the study were 481 people including the 12, 14 and 16 year old schoolchildren (n= 87, 78 and 104, respectively) and 18 and 20 year old university students (n= 159 and 53, respectively), grouped by the central nervous system types. Physical qualities of the sample were tested by the strength-rating deadlift test (kgf); endurance rating pull-ups on a horizontal bar test (count); and speed-strength-rating standing long jump test (cm). The central nervous system types were identified by the central nervous system activity, excitation/ inhibition and external/ internal stress tolerance rating Y.P. Ilyin tests.
It was found that the relatively younger age groups are normally tested equally or better than the seniors when their central nervous system type is favorable for the relevant physical qualities building trainings. The study data and analysis give grounds to believe that the physical qualities and abilities building logics shall be governed by rather the individual central nervous system type and personality progress than only the age specifics.
Keywords: physical qualities, age differences, typological sets of properties of nervous system.
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