Academic physical fitness test data processing and interpretation system
PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Rayevsky1
PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Chicherin1
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Domashchenko1
Associate Professor V.P. Rumyantsev1
1State University of Management, Moscow
The principles of didactics as the main training regularities are reflected in the physical education system as methodological approaches, planned impacts and a number of pedagogical criteria. The study was intended to test benefits of an academic physical fitness test data processing and interpretation system with application of the modern SharePoint and Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies tools. The new toolkit accessible on the academic website makes it possible to track, on a timely basis, the students’ physical fitness test data and academic attendance and process the academic physical education related documents and projects.
The academic physical fitness test data processing system was tested on a 1-3-year student sample. The study data and analyses demonstrated benefits of the system as verified by the meaningful progress of the sample in the speed, speed-strength and relative strength tests in the male group; and standing long jump and abdominal muscle strength tests in the female group. The experimental data show that the digital data processing system gives the means to efficiently customize the education service, whilst the cloud services helping shape up and advance the faculty’s knowledge and skills.
Keywords: database, overall physical fitness, physical fitness tests.
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