Comparative analysis of female students’ functionality versus physical activity regimen
Associate Professor P.P. Nikolayev1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.V. Shikhovtsov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Nikolayeva1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Ivanova1
M.N. Piskaykina1
1Samara State University of Economics, Samara
Objective of the study was to profile the female students’ functionality versus physical activity by the Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” GTO Complex tests. Sampled for the study in the 2016-17 academic years were the 18-20 year old female students of Samara State University of Economics (n=60) grouped by the physical activity regimen into non-sporting Group 1 (n=24); fitness Group 2 (n=20); and strength-intensive sports going Group 3 (n=16). The groups were tested by the Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” GTO Complex Class 6 tests, with the test data profiled versus the group physical activity regimen. It was found that the strength-intensive sports bring the highest and multidimensional benefits for the students versus the health physical education service as verified by the significant progress in the functional and physical fitness domains in the Group 3.
Keywords: Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO Complex, female students, physical activity regime, physical fitness, strength-intensive sports.
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