Physical education service contribution to technical university graduate’s professional competitiveness
PhD, Associate Professor R.A. Khuzhin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Greb1
1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa
The article explores the physical education service contribution to the technical university graduate’s professional competitiveness that is ranked among the key missions by the academic community. Sampled for the study were the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University students (n=200). Applied for the study purposes were the questionnaire survey forms to find the students’ health agendas and role of the academic physical education service for the professional competitiveness building process in the context of the students’ values and priorities. The physical education and professional competitiveness correlation analysis was intended to attain the following goals: rate the physical progress of the sample versus the professional competitiveness building progress; and identify the provisions for and factors of influence on the professional competence.
The study data and analyses give the grounds to conclude that the academic physical education service is highly appreciated by the students as a key social resource for progress in the professional competitiveness building domain.
Keywords: university students, correlation, physical education, social resource, professional competitiveness, specialist training.
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