Educational and managerial provisions for sportizated physical education in academic elective physical education and sport services


O.V. Kostromin1
A.V. Zaitsev1
I.V. Bobrov1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

The educational and managerial provisions for the sportizated (sport-prioritizing) physical education at Saint Petersburg Mining University were developed based on the theoretical concepts of V.K. Balsevich, L.I. Lubysheva, I.V. Manzheley and others that give a special priority to the kinesiological sport training models with their individualized sport education goals and the environment-sensitive sporting lifestyle formation concepts in application to the academic system and young people’s subcultures.
The study by the Saint Petersburg Mining University team was designed to contribute to the educational and managerial provisions for the sportizated physical education in the academic elective physical education and sport services and test a Physical Education Department and sport club cooperation model by an experiment. The experiment showed benefits of the model as verified by the progress of the sample in the physical and functional fitness rates and, hence, growth of the physical education and sport service quality to at least meet the valid Federal State Educational standards and requirements.

Keywords: sport club, physical education department, sportizated physical education service, elective physical education and sport services.


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