Teachers' satisfaction with their work in context of students' attitude to physical education classes
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Izotov1
A.I. Kovalenko1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Soldatova2
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Saint Petersburg
The problem of students' satisfaction with physical education classes is relevant, but relatively understudied. At the moment there are only a few studies in which it has been established that students are characterized by the rather low satisfaction with the classes. The given study revealed that the attitude of physical education teachers to their work is a significant factor in the attitude of students to physical education. It is especially important to reveal the students' assessment of the current relationship with their teacher. Professional educational orientation, communicative competency, financial situation and ensuring the possibility of personal and professional growth and teacher's self-actualization are the most important conditions for the formation of a positive attitude of students to physical education in a technical college.
Keywords: satisfaction, physical education, students, teachers.
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