Rating students’ satisfaction with academic service quality on the whole and physical education and sport service in particular
PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Vakhnin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Makhovikov1
PhD V.V. Sharok1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
Students’ satisfaction with the academic service quality is ranked among the key indicators of the education system efficiency, with the satisfaction interpreted as the individual emotional comfort due to the educational environment and its products meeting the individual expectations, hopes and needs. Academic progress and comfort may be measured by a variety of factors including the education process design and contents, quality of the public catering service, health service, accommodation and the physical education and sport services – intended to promote healthy lifestyle and cater for the students’ needs including the self-assertion, self-fulfillment and self-respect agenda and the needs for friendship, teamwork, communication, mental comfort etc. This means that the academic physical education and sport service quality is among the key factors for the students’ satisfaction with the academic service quality on the whole.
Sampled for a questioning survey under the study were 767 students of Mining University, with the questionnaire survey form offering general and confidential questions. The questioning survey data showed the physical education and sport service quality playing the key role for the general students’ satisfaction with the academic service quality as it encourages the healthy lifestyle and facilitates the efforts to mobilize the individual resource, improve communication and friendship with the peer students and, hence, contributes to the academic progress and quality on the whole.
Keywords: higher education, satisfaction, physical education and sport service, health, healthy lifestyle.
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