Sports technique key elements in phase structure of connecting moves of acrobatic exercises performed on beam


Dr.Hab., Professor Тоmasz Niznikowski2
Dr.Hab., Professor Аndrzej Маstalerz1
Dr.Hab., Professor Viktor Boloban3
Master Мikhal Biegajlo2
Master Marta Nogal2
1Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland
2Department of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska, Poland
3National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, Kiev

Objective of the paper was to study the kinematic structure of the key element indices of sports technique connecting move of acrobatic exercises round-off – salto backward tucked performed on a beam; to single out sports technique key elements in the phase structure of exercise connecting move. The study involved skilled and highly skilled female gymnasts (n = 16). Sports technique key elements in the phases of the connecting move of acrobatic exercises round-off – salto backward tucked performed on a beam were determined along with their indices: body launching posture (LP) during the round-off finishing – close to vertical stable body posture with narrow stand and legs apart, on tiptoe on support, with arms fore-upward, for efficient upward-backward flying up; phase of the main motor actions – multiplication of body postures (MP) “tucked” – active successive alternating instant fixed salto phases for creation of an integral motor action; during the phase of the final motor actions – concluding body posture (CP) – landing to stop. Sports technique key elements as the signal postures of motor actions combine the indices of phase structure of the connecting move of acrobatic exercises round-off – salto backward tucked, executed on a beam, through the interaction of previous and subsequent body postures and their multiplications. They are amenable to development and improvement. Performance of exercises without unnecessary motor rearrangements is achieved, thus avoiding the accumulation of technical faults in the process of demonstrating competitive exercises.

Keywords: female athletes, beam, round-off, salto backward, kinematic structure, sports technique, exercise phases, key elements.


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