Competitive success rates versus physical development and physical fitness rates of 11-17 year old weightlifters


PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Simen
Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I Yakovlev, Cheboksary

The study analyzes competitive success rates versus physical development and physical fitness rates of 11-17 year-old weightlifters in kettlebell sport. Sampled for the study were 98 male weightlifters of the following age groups: 10-11 year-old (n=24); 12–13 year-old (n=17); 14–15 year-old (n=32); and 16–17 year-old (n=25) groups. The subjects were tested for the physical development (body mass, body length, shoulder length, wrist length, pelvis width, vital capacity, wrist dynamometry, deadlift dynamometry, Kettle index) and physical fitness (speed-strength, strength, strength endurance, movement coordination qualities, overall endurance and flexibility); versus the competitive success rates in the republican classical combined tournaments. A linear correlation method was used to rate the correlation between the competitive success, physical development and physical fitness rates. It was found that the competitive success rates in the age groups are significantly dependent on the body anthropometrics; absolute strength of the trunk/ limbs extensor muscles; wrist strength and explosive endurance; explosive strength of the leg/trunk extensor muscles; and the relative strength of the arms extensor muscles. The competitive success rates in the weightlifting groups were found age-specific, with a strength endurance found increasingly important for the competitive success rates with age.

Keywords: junior weightlifters, physical development, physical fitness, competitive success rate, correlation.


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