Mental qualities of sprinters and stayers
PhD, Associate Professor N.I. Khokhlova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Rodermel1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
Objective of the study was to rate mental qualities of the short- and long-distance runners (sprinters and stayers). Sampled for the study were 20-25 year-old athletes (n=13) including 7 sprinters and 6 stayers free of physical injuries/ health disorders, with the sample grouped as advised by the coaches. A comparative analysis of the mental qualities test data showed high motivations and low mental control qualities and skills in the sample regardless of the distance; with the sprinters tested with relatively higher aggression and anxiety rates versus the stayers. The study data demonstrate the need for a special psychological support service to the athletes including the distance-specific mental conditioning tools. The authors offer a toolkit that may be helpful for the sport psychologists striving to analyze and improve the individual athletes’ mental control qualities and skills for a competitive success; and list the priority fields for the psychological support service.
Keywords: sprinter, stayer, mental qualities .
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