Qualification of students after off-hospital pneumonia for academic physical education based on energy resource tests


PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Lazareva1
PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Sultanova1
N.N. Voronova1
E.V. Rozhnova1
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow

The study was designed to analyze the energy resource of the students after off-hospital pneumonia by means of cycle ergometer tests (CET) to qualify them for the controlled-intensity-and-scope physical education service customized to the health condition. Sampled for the study were the 1-6-year Sechenov University students (n=61) aged 17-25 years (21.7±0.2 on average) split up into two groups. The Experimental Group (EG) was cured by the standard off-hospital pneumonia therapy, with the health condition tested by the standard combined tests plus spirographic, spiroergometric, ECG and VEN tests. The individual physicality was tested by cycle ergometer Ergomedic 894E Peak Bike (Monark) test system rated for 25W with the workload stepped up by 25W every 3min, with the test stopped on the relevant indications as recommended by the Expert Committee of the WHO (1970). Gas exchange was rated by CARDIOVIT CS-200 Ergo-Spiro system Schiller electrocardiograph. The test data were processed by the standard variation statistics toolkit using the common formulae. The test data and analyses found significant cardio-respiratory system functionality disorders in students after off-hospital pneumonia; and it was recommended to qualify them back to the academic physical education sessions for special health groups not sooner that 1.5 months upon the start of the disease. Later on they may be cleared for the preparatory/ main physical education group trainings by special medical examinations.

Keywords: students, off-hospital pneumonia, energy resource, qualification for academic physical education, special health group.


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