Academic physical fitness rating by gto complex tests
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Voronkov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Nikulin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Kolesnikov1
D.E. Nikulina1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
The given study was intended to test and analyze the Belgorod State National Research University students’ physical fitness by the Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex test standards. Sampled for the Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex year- and gender-specific tests were the physical education Department students (n=175, including 104 males and 71 females). The test data analysis found the following: (1) About 30% and 40% of the male and female groups (respectively) were successful in the tests to qualify for a Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex badge; (2) Physical fitness test rates were virtually year-unspecific; (3) Most difficult for the sample were the endurance-rating 2/3km race tests; (4) The relatively high success rate in the Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex tests was indicative of the fairly good physical fitness and versatile physical development of the physical education Department students.
Keywords: Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex, Belgorod State National Research University, students’ physical fitness, academic progress .
- O fizicheskoy kulture i sporte v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Physical education and sports in the Russian Federation]. [Electronic resource]: Feder. law Dec 04 2007 # 329-FZ (as am. on 29.07.2018)]. Reference legal system "Consultant Plus". Available at:
- Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennyih trebovaniy Vserossiyskogo fizkulturno-sportivnogo kompleksa «Gotov k trudu i oborone» (GTO) na 2018-2021 godyi [On the approval of state requirements of the Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defence" (GTO) for 2018-2021]. [Electronic resource] : Prikaz Minsporta Rossii ot 19 iyunya 2017 # 542 [Decree of the Ministry of Sport dated June 19 2017 #542]. Federal portal «GTO.RU». Available at: