Success situation modeling as new health education technology
PhD, Professor Yu.V. Andreeva
East Economics and Law Academy, Ufa
Educational system may be pivotal for the individual health agenda when the teacher designs it with due health values and priorities using the most efficient health methods and tools. The mission may be facilitated by a success situation modeling, with the physical education sessions designed in the following stages: primary didactic situation analysis; situation improvement method; and the success situation modeling with the relevant (motivating, anxiety suppressing, slow practicing; role sharing etc.) tools. Every component of the model includes a few elements with practical exercises to master them and apply in the educational process. The success situation modeling technology offered by the authors was designed based on the ideas of V.I. Zagvyazinsky and A.S. Belkin; and the cognitive-behavior prioritizing physical education method offered by V.C. Yastrebov, A.Y. Mitin, N.O. Vereshchyagina et al. The success situation modeling technology was tested beneficial as verified by the sample progress in stamina and motivations for the physical education sessions. The model offers a staged progress test toolkit customizable to the individual physical fitness and skills of every trainee. The study data and analysis may be helpful for the students majoring in 49.03.01 Physical Education discipline, school/ university physical education teachers and advanced education courses for the physical education personnel.
Keywords: health, health education technologies, success situation.
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