Academic sportizated physical education system design for professional health and progress


PhD E.A. Vlasov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.V. Vorobyeva2
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor V.Ts. Tsyrenov3
1Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (branch), Irkutsk
3Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude

Keywords: students, physical education, professional health, future specialist, sportization, cross-country skiing.

Objective of the study was to give theoretical grounds for, develop and experimentally test benefits of a cross-country skiing driven vocational health building model.

Methods and structure of the study. The harsh climatic and geographic living conditions in the Siberian North on the whole and in the city of Irkutsk in particular and the traditionally high popularity and practicality of skiing sports with their known mental and physical health benefits were taken into account in the effort to develop the new specialist health building model based on the cross-country skiing practices and test its benefits on university students.

Sampled for the study with the physical development and physical fitness tests were the first health group students of the Irkutsk State Transport University split up into Experimental and Reference Groups (EG, RG) with the same group numbers and proportions of the engineering and humanitarian specialties. The sample was tested prior to and after the experiment (in September and May) for intellectual working capacity, stress tolerance, vocational physicality and functionality and vocational success motivations. The pre-experimental tests found no intergroup differences in test data. The EG and RG physical education curricula were equal in the academic hours for trainings – assigned by the valid standard academic physical education programs. Theoretical knowledge in both groups was tested by the post-semester tests and annual theoretical examinations.

The new cross-country skiing driven vocational health building model was designed to include the following harmonically integrated components: cognitive-motivational; educational; operational; progress control and testing; and success rating ones; with the componential design geared to facilitate cooperation of students with instructors from the goal-setting till success.

The cross-country skiing driven specialist health building model gives a special priority to the following health building domains:

  • Cognitive domain to help accumulate good knowledge of the physical education technologies, healthy lifestyles, basics of self-reliant trainings and theoretical grounds for the vocational health agenda;
  • Practical technological domain to develop the key physical qualities and skills – basically by the skiing training, improving and excelling efforts the with a special emphasis on every specific physical education issue and goal in the process;
  • Adaptation domain to facilitate the functional, physical and health progress and thereby improve the academic working capacity;
  • Emotionality control domain geared to develop good mental control skills to keep up a high intellectual working capacity, focused vocational health agenda and a high tolerance to a variety of the service-specific negative impacts that are inevitably faced in the practical vocational engineering service after graduation.

To attain goals of each of the above domains, we developed and offered the relevant educational provisions for success of the cross-country skiing driven specialist health building model. The new model differs from the standard academic physical education curricula and other sports-prioritizing training models in the following aspects:

  • It makes a special emphasis on the theoretical knowledge of the healthy lifestyles and habitual physical activity;
  • Since the second academic year, the model offers practical systemic trainings both for physical development and to help the students master the self-reliant trainings, training process design and management skills and accumulate a sound practical experience;
  • The model makes a special emphasis on the students’ gradual transition to the self-reliant trainings with some guidance and consulting from the instructor; and
  • The model offers a reasonably structured scope of home tasks to keep up the attained physical fitness rates.

Results and discussion. The cross-country skiing driven specialist health building model testing experiment showed the EG/ RG physical progress in the first year of trainings being virtually the same; followed by a notable albeit meaningful difference in favor of the EG in the second training year; and the significant meaningful progress of the EG versus RG in the third training year due to the relatively stalled progress in the RG. Tests of the fourth-year students showed the achieved meaningful advantage of the EG in the test rates versus the RG staying either the same or further growing. Based on the progress test data, it may be stated with confidence that every post-experimental test rate (with the only exclusion for the flexibility tests) in the EG versus RG proved benefits of the new training model.

More specifically, the pre- versus post-experimental physical development rating anthropometric tests (body length, body mass, quiescent-stage chest circumference, wrist strength) showed virtually the same progress (insignificant differences) in the EG versus RG; whilst the functionality tests (including the vital capacity, inhale chest circumference, arterial pressure, and the Stange breath-holding tests) showed a high meaningful progress in the cardiovascular and respiratory system functionality rates in the EG versus RG. The pre- versus post-experimental vocational mental health tests showed the EG average test rates being meaningfully higher versus the RG, particularly in the attention focusing, nervous system balance and stress tolerance test indices.

Conclusion. The new academic cross-country skiing driven specialist health building model testing experiment showed its benefits for the academic physical education service as verified by the meaningful progress of the EG versus RG in the key physicality and functionality test indices. In view of the meaningful progress of the EG in the vocational mental health test indices, we have every reason to believe that the training model may be highly beneficial of the vocational health building initiatives in the academic physical education service.


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The study overviews the needs for and methods of the modern academic health service to offer a specialist health building model based on the cross-country skiing practices. The new academic health building model was designed with a special priority to the following components: cognitive-motivational; educational; operational; progress control and testing; and the success rating ones. Every of these physical education system components implies due cooperation of the instructors with trainees from the goal setting to the mission fulfillment. The physical education service provided by the academic health building model was designed to facilitate the training process by the most appealing group-specific forms of physical activity to develop a habitual need for the self-reliant and systemic physical trainings.

The new academic health building model testing experiment showed its benefits for the academic physical education service as verified by the Experimental Group progress in the key physicality, functionality and mental health rates of special importance for professional health of the future specialists.