Training process individualizing by athlete-coach-psychologist triad synergy


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019

Corresponding Member of RAE, Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor B.A. Vyatkin1
Dr.Hab., Professor, PhD V.V. Markelov1
Dr.Hab., Professor Yu.V. Sysoev2
PhD Yu.V. Kraev3
1Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
3Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Currently, psychology can be found in all aspects of modern elite sports, which is characterized by high social significance, polymotivation and extreme requirements for the mental stability of an athlete. The main mission of a psychologist is to manage the development and self-development of the personality of all subjects of sports activity (athletes, coaches, staff). The article analyzes the ways to individualize and harmonize the training process by the synergy of athlete, coach and psychologist as the key actors; applies the individuality integration theory to design the synergized triad cooperation model to efficiently mobilize the individual creative resources; and outlines the key avenues for the individualized training models to secure high progress with every subsystem of an integrated individuality being activated and harmonized. Methods and toolkit of the synergized triune cooperation model are geared to help every actor concentrate on the self-improvement, self-exploring, self-identification, self-control and self-integration goals to efficiently contribute to the training process efficiency. The prudent integration and individualization of the triune efforts will help design an individual progress strategy for every athlete and mobilize, on a systemic, synergized and mental conditioning prioritizing basis, creative resource for success of the teamwork.

Keywords: psychologist, coach, athlete, subjectivity, creative self-improvement, harmonization, cooperation, individualization, integral individuality, sport selection, dependability, individual style, mental conditioning.


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