Individualized de-adaptation risk forecasts in academic physical education process
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019
Dr.Biol. M.V. Postnova1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Shatyr1
I.V. Ulesikova2
Dr.Biol., Professor A.B. Mulik3
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd
2Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov (Military Medical Academy), St. Petersburg
3Institute of Toxicology of Federal Medico-Biological Agencyn(IT FMBA of Russia),St. Petersburg
Modern approaches to the stanradization of physical loads within physical education practices in secondary, advanced and higher educational institutions are based on the principles of standardization of exercise volume and types of exercises in three health groups. The volume of loads within each group is additionally differentiated according to the sex and age of the students.
Objective of the present study was to develop, on a sound theoretical basis, and test benefits of an individualized de-adaptation risk forecast model applicable in the academic physical education process. Sampled for the model tests were the 18-20 year-old students of Volgograd State University (n=146). The first stage of the study was geared to find logics in the individual combined unspecific bodily reactivity profiles. The second stage included the adaptation stress tests with account of the individual combined unspecific bodily reactivity rates. And the third stage of the study was designed to develop a disease-prevention individualized de-adaptation risk forecast algorithm in the standard training process. The study data and analyses showed benefits of the new individualized de-adaptation risk forecast model applicable in the academic physical education process.
Keywords: physical education service individualization, adaptive responses, physical workload, de-adaptation risk, combined unspecific bodily reactivity.
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