Multimedia technologies to facilitate precise self-defense skills mastering process
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Germanova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Rogozhnikov2
O.A. Safonova3
PhD, Professor K.N. Dementiev4
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
3Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg
4St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg
In compliance with the Strategy for the Development of Physical Education and Sports in the Russian Federation until 2020 and the State Program of the Russian Federation for the Development of Physical Education and Sports for the period until 2020, the proportion of the students systematically engaged in physical education and sports should reach 80% by 2020. To solve the set tasks within the modern educational process, the innovative teaching methods to increase the efficiency of physical education classes, preserve health and develop students' motor potential become more relevant. The study analyzes benefits of the modern multimedia technologies to facilitate precise self-defense skills mastering process in academic physical education system based on findings of the new training model testing experiment. The training model was designed to help master high-coordination self-defense skills in trainings for the Physical Culture and Sport "Ready for Labour and Defence" (GTO) Complex 6 (18-29 age groups) tests in the academic physical education sessions. The trainees’ progress was tested and rated by an expert team in the assisted safe fall test and counterattack test.
Keywords: multimedia technologies, motor skills, weaponless self-defense, RPCS "Ready for Labour and Defence" (GTO) Complex, physical education.
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