Encouraging students’ conscientious motivations for physical self-perfection
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019
PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Akhmetov1
Dr.Biol., Professor Yu.P. Denisenko1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Morozov1
R.R. Valinurov1
1Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Naberezhnye Chelny
The study was designed to explore the students’ motivations for academic physical education service and the relevant spurring and hampering factors. Sampled for the motivations testing experiment were the students of Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University and Kazan State Pedagogical University (n=750), with their motivational spurs and barriers tested by a questioning survey. The survey form offered a list of factors, motives and stimuli grouped by the education, physical training, self-control, physical self-fulfillment and physical self-perfection categories. A comparative analysis of the survey data showed the highest gap between the senior and junior students in the progress motivations for modern physical self-perfection methods, plus notable differences in the ratings of the other motivations for physical self-perfection. The 5-year students were tested to give a high priority to the ‘good progress in physical self-perfection versus the 3-year students. Rated on top by the 5-year students was the ‘habit for physical practices’ followed by the ‘excellent competence in physical education for progress in the teaching service’. The study data showed that even when a student is tested with good physical qualities and natural gifts and well-prepared for physical education, his/her progress may be secured only conditional on due determination in overcoming every barrier on the way to success in physical education.
Keywords: stimulus, motivation, students, physical self-perfection, physical education, barrier, rating.
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