Academic physical training service for field specialists
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor G.V. Rudenko1
O.V. Kostromin1
V.A. Dorofeev1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
Studies of the individual vocational qualities critical for success of a geologic service demonstrate that the existing special vocational physical education system in application to the future professional geologists, with its range of academic sports, largely fails to meet the growing service-specific requirements and cultivate a good tolerance to fatigue. Objective of the study in this context was to develop and test benefits of a new customizable special vocational physical education model for the field specialists including the relevant service-specific physical education and sports curricula. In the period of 2016-17 we run a questionnaire survey of students in the field practices, certified geologists and physical education faculty members from 20 technical universities in Saint Petersburg to analyze the situation with the special vocational physical education service. For the purposes of the study, the academic physical education and sports staff members visited the geologic companies that the students and graduates worked for to explore their responsibilities and actual job conditions and produce job descriptions (profession profiling diagrams and passports). Based on the survey data, we outlined requirements to the key personality qualities critical for success of the geologic services and offered a set of goals for the special vocational physical education service model. The new special vocational physical education service model benefits were verified by academic physical progress records of the future field specialists.
Keywords: vocational training, field services, job responsibilities, physical education, physical qualities, labor efficiency.
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