Synergized management concept for progress in academic sports
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Peshkova
Surgut State University, Surgut
Keywords: academic sports, multilateral management for progress, specific management principles.
Background. The Academic Sports Development Concept of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 approved in 2017 sets forth the priority development avenues for the sports to secure new operation and management quality for the academic sports sector [5], with a special role in the process expected to be played by the national universities that shall secure due motivations for the academic community to encourage the human resource inflow in the active habitual sports and sport competitions.
It should be mentioned in this context that progress of the academic sports largely depends on how efficiently they are designed and managed by the universities, what modern management models are applied for the progress and how interested the university administration, sport clubs and physical education departments are in advancing the modern sport culture in their academic communities. It should also be emphasized that the academic sport progress shall be rated not only by the individual/ collective competitive accomplishments but also the personality progress and competitiveness of the graduates in their future professional careers [2, 8].
Regretfully, the traditional academic sport management models still applied at the national universities fail to encourage the available resource of the sporting entities to be fully mobilized and employed. We believe that the process shall be controlled by a multilateral sports management model interpreted as the interactive cooperation of the individual/ group contributors to the academic physical education and sport service, with a broad-based integration of the individual activity fields to attain the synergic effect and secure a new quality for the academic sports management and development process. The individual activity field may be defined as the terms of reference (scope of responsibility) of the individual or group actors in the process [3, 4]. The wider is each individual activity field, the more efficient the management model should ideally be due to the synergic effect of the harmonized individual contributions.
The recommendation to apply the multilateral sports management model in the academic sports sector may be supported by the following reasons: (1) the growing requirements to the synergy of activities of different university departments and student self-management associations in the decision-making, management strategies, project designs and solutions for progress of academic sports; and (2) the need for more active self-identification, commitment and mobilization of students for the academic trainings to help form the individual sport agendas in context of the individual competitive progress planning, design and management efforts.
The multilateral sports management model will be designed along the following academic sports management lines:
– Promote the modern sport values to increase appeal of the academic sports as the effective means for the personality progress, self-fulfillment and assertion in the competitive process;
– Efficiently manage the academic education and training process and competitive events in every academic sport discipline;
– Design and manage the relevant cultural, sports, recreation and health events at the academic, municipal and regional levels;
– Manage the physical education and sport training system – to train sport referees, volunteer personnel for sport events etc.; and
– Manage the logistical and practical support activity to advance the sports-driven academic physical education.
It should be mentioned that the multilateral academic sports management model will be designed based on a few commonly accepted principles including the theoretical grounding, systemic design, centralization and decentralization principles; with due balance of the administrative functions and responsibilities. In addition, the model will be supported, in our opinion, by a few specific principles (given hereunder) to cater for the model application specifics with a special emphasis on responsibilities of the academic sports management actors.
Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for the multilateral management concept for progress of the national academic sports.
Study findings and discussion. Management principles, as they are defined by the modern management science, are interpreted as the basic ideas, logics and behavioral rules that govern the management process to attain the process goals within the key progress trends in the sector. For the purposes of the study we would list the key management principles as follows: process humanization principle that implies due interpersonal communication and cooperation of the educational process actors; and the socializing principle, with the academic sports being viewed as the powerful driver for the socializing process with its self-perfection, self-discovery, self-assertion and self-fulfillment missions so critical for the young people. We would list the specific principles of the multilateral academic sports management model design as follows:
Individual activity fields synergizing principle intended to regulate the management process actors’ cooperation and put it on the most efficient basis [3]. Given on Figure 1 hereunder is the frame componential design of the multilateral academic sports management model. Thus student’s individual activity field may be synergized with the collective fields of a sport club or a physical education department – on bilateral and multilateral bases. One of the key identifiers of the process being multilateral in this case is that the management bi- or multi-lateral synergy is realized and focused on the individual and/or collective progress goals [1].
Figure 1. Frame componential design of the multilateral academic sports management model
Academic physical education and sports management actors’ reflection encouragement principle is driven by the idea that due reflection (interpreted as the self-analyzing and controlling ability) is critical for the conscientious decision-making and responsible management process. It is via reflection that the physical education and sports management actors think over and make their management decisions and take responsibility for the joint decisions.
Individual responsibility encouragement principle implies the individual self-progress being facilitated by the synergic effects of cooperation with and support from other physical education and sports management actors, with the multilateral management effect. The individual responsibility as the self-progress and self-control advancement tool implies the determined and mission-conscious attitude to the own self, to the transformed/ created subject and to other contributors to the joint activity (students, teachers etc.) [6]. It is also important to make sure that the individual responsibility as an integrated personality quality is positively transformed, cultivated and developed in the process [3].
Dialogue- and polylogue-based cooperation principle of the physical education and sports management actors cooperation means that the management actors’ activity needs to be stimulated so as to encourage efficient sharing of the personality values and priorities for the open-minded, friendly and positive communication and cooperation for success of the joint process mission and goals.
When and if the above specific principles are met in the multilateral academic sports management model design, it may be effectively applied to secure progress of the academic sports system as they secure the timely and efficient adaptation to changes and reforms in the internal and external environments; with the cooperation of the management process actors being timely updated and refreshed to secure due synergy of the individual and multilateral contributions to the physical education and sports management process. The multilateral management model will secure efficient decision making to facilitate the new quality for the physical education process design, logistics and control including the efforts to implement new educational technologies and assure due quality for the process management system [7].
Conclusion. Good progress of the national academic sports system may be secured only if new sports management models are applied to respond the modern challenges and realities. The academic sports multilateral management model designed with account of the key specific design principles, as spelled out in the article, will help mobilize an individual resource of each management process actor to secure due synergy of many actors in the multilateral management process.
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The study was inspired by the common idea that the modern academic sports require the traditional academic sport management models being reformed. A high priority shall be given to the efforts to increase contribution of every relevant entity in the academic sport management system to secure due synergy of the management process actors. The proposed multilateral management model and process may be defined as the interactive cooperation of the individual/ group contributors to the academic physical education and sport service, with the broad-based integration of the individual activity fields to secure a synergic effect and the new quality for the academic sports advancement process.
Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for the multilateral management concept for progress of academic sports. The study data and analyses showed that the multilateral management model in application to the academic sports system shall be designed to: synergize the individual management fields; facilitate reflection of the academic physical education and sports management entities; vest each actor with due individual responsibilities; and facilitate productive dialogues/ polylogues (communication) in the academic physical education and sports management community for the synergic effect. These principles will help secure progress of the academic sports system with its fast adaptation to the external and internal environments via the flexible and efficient interaction of the process management actors.