Problem aspects of doping in modern sports and solutions


PhD, associate professor O.P. Kokoulina1
PhD, associate professor S.Y. Tatarova2
Associate professor Z.Kh. Nizametdinova2
Associate professor J. Polishkenea2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Doping control has long been ranked among the key sport problems faced since the first Olympic Games and still increasingly critical for the global sports on the whole and the national sports in particular. Special medicines in some cases overshadow the traditional daily trainings and competitive progress agendas for some athletes. The given study analyzes the potential solutions for the doping control systems based on analyses of the available theoretical and practical literature on the subject and questionnaire surveys of the athletic communities to find solutions for the doping issues. It should be underlined that the modern doping control systems shall be designed with: stringent penalties for the violating coaches and athletes; regular tests; special knowledge and skills advancement trainings for coaches; support for the sport selection systems for gifted children and adolescents; systemic anti-doping campaigns; and upgrades to the doping control systems.

Keywords: doping, sports, athletes, IOC, Olympic Games.


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