English versus Russian Football Premier-League competitive performance analysis factoring in game positions and field control zones


Dr.Hab., Professor V.M. Shulyatyev1
PhD V.V. Ivanov1
PhD A.D. Dugbley2
D.A. Potapov1
A.A. Soparev1
1Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, Moscow
2Football СYSSOR "Youth of Moscow" "Burevestnik", Moscow

Despite multiple scientific research, a significant number of 16–17-year-old football players training within the current training system do not have the required stable level and variability of crucial technical skills in football. The present paper outlines the key theoretical and practical basics for modern football training systems. Objective of the study was to give a substantiation for a few training methods and practices applied at the sport excellence stage to meet the modern requirements to the competitive performance of elite football players. In this context, one of the goals of the study was to analyze the competitive performance of the English versus Russian football premier-league with an emphasis on the players’ game positions and field control zones. We applied match video replays to analyze the English Premier League (EPL) versus Russian Premier League (RPL) competitive performances to find, among other things, the key technical/ tactical actions critical for the competitive success. The study data and analyses may be beneficial for the coaching teams of the national Children and Youth Football Sport Schools in their efforts to improve the sport excellence training systems.

Keywords: competitive performance in elite football, technical/ tactical actions, excellence training systems in football.


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