Special physical training model to improve professional qualities of mobile repair service crews


PhD E.A. Vlasov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.V. Vorobyeva2
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor V.Ts. Tsyrenov3
1Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (branch), Irkutsk
3Buryat Republican Institute for Educational Policy, Ulan-Ude

The given study overviews the needs for and methods of the modern academic health service to offer a specialist health building model based on the cross-country skiing practices. The new academic health building model was designed with a special priority to the following activity components: cognitive, motivational, structural, operational, progress testing and correcting and the result rating ones. Each of these physical education system components implies due cooperation of the trainers with trainees from the goal setting to fulfillment of the mission. The physical education service provided by the academic health building model was designed to facilitate the training process by the most appealing group-specific forms of physical activity to develop a habitual need for self-reliant and systemic physical trainings.
The new academic health building model testing experiment showed its benefits for the academic physical education as verified by the progress of the Experimental Group students in the key physical fitness and functionality characteristics of special importance for professional health of future specialists.

Keywords: students, physical education, professional health, future specialist, sportization, cross-country skiing.


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