Benefits of extra seBenefits of extra self-reliant interdisciplinary physical trainings for young femaleslf-reliant interdisciplinary physical trainings for young females
Dr.Med., Associate Professor V.V. Dorofeykov1, 2
PhD N.Y. Chernysh2
Dr.Med. A.V. Kalinin1
Dr.Hab., Professor S.E. Bakulev1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Taymazov1
Dr.Hab., Professor S.M. Ashkinazi1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2Almazov National Medical Research Centre, St. Petersburg
The study analyzes the key provisions for the modern clinical blood tests to estimate athlete’s health and demonstrates benefits of the high-tech computerized clinical blood tests versus conventiomnal microscopic tests, applicable by the doping control projects in elite sports. The cutting-edge test system being used in the WADA laboratories generates up to 28 erythrocyte growth indices with the output data presented in a wide variety of presentation charts and diagrams. Doctors who are expected to interpret these data arrays and graphical presentations need special trainings for the service. It should be mentioned that lately a growing priority has been given to the tests of erythrocyte precursors (reticulocytes, RET#) in the sport test systems rated by up to 10 test indices. The present article gives a special attention to the pre-test preparations, including the actions, precautions and potential errors in preparations for the blood tests for biological passport, plus the basics of the blood test data analyses.
Keywords: blood test, erythrocyte, reticulocyte, doping, doping control.
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