Heart rate variability based sport-specific adaptation process in Paralympic cross-country skiers with visual impairments


Dr.Biol., Professor Y.A. Shchedrina1
Associate Professor, PhD V.F. Lutkov1
Associate Professor, PhD N.V. Lutkova1
Dr.Hab., Professor Y.M. Makarov1
Master's student M.M. Tsepelevich2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is one of the most common methods for assessing the functional state of the human body in medical and sports practice. The heart rate variability (HRV) data presentation tools are indispensable for the modern training and rehabilitation process management purposes since they give the means to estimate the physical fitness and progress and assess contributions of the relevant mechanisms of the body. Of particular importance for these purposes may be an algorithmic design of the Pythagoras tree with the tree height, inclination, color and branches (i.e. their quantity and density) indicative of the relevant test rates. Best physical fitness is described by a high, right-leaning tree with multiple and dense green branches. According to the calculations and presentations of the Pythagoras tree, the coaches and athletes may take well-grounded decisions on how the further training process shall be designed and managed, with training volume, intensity and special focused rehabilitation tools. The study data shows that the higher are the athlete’s skills the more similar are the heart rate variability trees. The proposed Pythagoras tree calculation and presentation method may be used as an additional tool to effectively manage the training and rehabilitation processes in elite sports.

Keywords: heart rate variability data, Pythagoras tree, skilled athletes.


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