High-altitude hr variability rating tests in extreme mountaineering sport


Associate Professor,Dr.Hab. S.N. Litvinenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor Y.V. Baykovsky1
Associate Professor, PhD N.S. Shumova1
Master's student A.A. Mitrofanov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Modern extreme high-altitude mountaineering sport is associated with multiple risk factors for cardiac functions as verified by the cardio-intervals and spectral amplitudes of the cardio-intervalograms; albeit the heart rate variability appears to be still underexplored. The study was intended to bridge some gaps in the knowledgebase by profiling the electrocardiogram indices in the extreme mountaineering process. The present study was designed to obtain daily electrocardiogram profiles in 2 volunteer 31 year-old male mountaineers in their climbing Mount Elbrus (5642m high). Taken for analyses were the 8-12min electrocardiogram segments averaged with account of the following: SLEEP period on the 4380m altitude starting from 9 p.m. to 1:50 a.m.; WORK period i.e. ascendance from the 4380m point to 5642m peak, taking 9 hours; REST time including the 10+min rest breaks; PEAK time i.e. stay on the Elbrus peak; DESCENT time to reach the tents for 3-4 hours; and the FINISH time, i.e. rest in the tents upon the descent. Analyses of the statistical data and electrocardiogram data show the increased sympathetic and parasympathetic system effects on the heart rate variability data in the extreme mountaineering process.

Keywords: daily electrocardiogram profiles, heart rate variability, spectral amplitudes, extreme conditions, sympathetic and parasympathetic system effects.


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