All-RussiAll-Russian physical education and sport GTO complex: municipal management innovationsan physical education and sport GTO complex: municipal management innovations


Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Khromin1, 2
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
2Department of Sport and Youth Policy of the Administration of Tyumen, Tyumen

The study analyzes innovations in the municipal physical education and sports management system designed for success of the GTO Complex reinstatement project in Tyumen. The study analyzes the key management policies, mechanisms and provisions for the mass physical education and sports initiatives to facilitate the GTO Complex reinstatement in the preschool, school, vocational training and advanced training systems, children and youth sports and mass physical education sector. A special emphasis is made on the following mechanisms and provisions for the mass physical education and sports initiatives to facilitate the GTO Complex reinstatement: public-private physical education and sports service clustering policies; optional formats of the physical education and sports and health services in the local communities; integration of the general and advanced physical education and sports systems; modular designs of the GTO Complex tests; theoretically grounded application programs and practical implementation tools; and the physical progress tests. The GTO Complex test system may be improved by the projects to establish special test centers/ facilities; GTO referees’ training system; monthly progress tests and analyses; and sound programmatic and informational support.

Keywords: systemic novelties, clustering design, integration, intensification, sportization, progress tests, infrastructure, communication, marketing, promotion.


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