Role of sports in educators’ vital resource management in changing social and professional environments
Dr.Hab., Professor N.G. Milovanova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Kandaurova2
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Starodubtseva3
1Tyumen state institute of regional education development, Tyumen
2Tara branch of Omsk State Agrarian University, Tara
3Institute of Physical Culture of Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Every individual have to adapt to the changing social environments by mobilizing own vital resource that is never unlimited. The modern science exploring the ways to save and build up the individual vital resource gives high priority to this issue. Modern education specialists are among the groups particularly vulnerable to the job-specific burnouts due to a variety of factors including: high exposure to every social challenge; fast transformations in the professional service requirements; leadership in the ongoing reforms in the educational system; and high susceptibility to the destructive aspects of the reforms. It is not unusual for the education specialists to come to the personal and professional crises/ burnouts associated with the sagging working capacity, emotionality etc. as described by many education psychology studies by the national and foreign researchers. This article explores the educators’ attitudes to sports as a unique tool to save and build up the individual vital resource in challenging and changing environments. The study demonstrates that the modern education specialists, being fully aware of the potential role of sports in the vital resource management and rehabilitation, are still reluctant to do sports on a habitual basis; with the reluctance normally explained by shortage of time.
Keywords: sports, vital resource, life values, educator, social reforms, job-specific stressors.
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