Esteck complex application for age-specific functionality tests
Dr.Hab., Professor L.B. Andryushchenko1
I.M. Bodrov1
V.A. Zaytsev1
T.V. Buyanova1
S.M. Nosov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Keywords: functionality test system, junior/ adult age, physical activity planning, health.
Introduction. Objective evaluation and interpretation of the bodily functional state criteria are some of the necessary conditions for a scientific approach to training process management, health control and planning of motor activity of men and women of different age [1, 7, 8]. Scientific studies on bodily functionality can serve as a means to forecast and prevent different health disorders not only at adult or elderly ages, but also at a young age [2, 3, 6]. Without doubt, nowadays, the hardware and software diagnostic systems are integral to physical education process design and health control; they provide objective data integration and thus assign a specific meaning and integrate various directions of the physical education system reform in view of the age- and gender-specific characteristics of athletes.
As of today, there is a great number of hardware and software diagnostic systems, some of which are based on the heart rate variability analysis ("Cardi", "Rhythm Express", "Accutest", "Pulse-Antistress"), others - on various acupuncture methods ("Diacoms", "Mediscreen", "ROFES", "Eurasia"), still others - on the original methods to meter body tissue electrical conductivity or cardiac electrical activity ("AMSAT", "Esteck complex", D&Kh) [7]. At the same time, the problem of real-time monitoring of the functional state of men and women of different ages remains unsettled, on the one hand, due to the high cost of diagnostics, on the other - due to the lack of a system approach to the design of physical education process, low awareness and competency of physical education staff in computer and diagnostic technologies.
Objective of the study was to conduct a pedagogical analysis of the functional state of men and women of different age by means of computer diagnostics.
Methods and structure of the study. The research was carried out at the premises of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics using the diagnostic system "Esteck system complex" including bioimpedansometry, digital heart rate variability analysis , digital pulse wave analysis [4, 8]. Subject to the study were the following age groups: 18-21 years (51 men and 53 women), 23-35 years (45 men and 34 women), 36-55 years (31 men and 32 women), 55 years old and older (19 men and 20 women). Integrated diagnostics of the subjects’ functional state provided due information on the fat and muscle components of the body weight, clearly demonstrated the spinal cord health level, revealed their biological age. The main focus of the methodology was on the functional state of the cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system functionality.
Results and discussion. Integral estimate of the functional state (see Table 1) of men and women of all age groups was within the normal range (70-90 points - satisfactory condition, 90-100 points - excellent condition), however, in the group of men of 36-55 years of age, the normal values were on the borderline - 70.4 points, which was lower as compared to the group of elderly men and women - 72.9-76.3 points, therefore, physical education classes for men aged 36-55 years should be planned based not on the functional or high intensity exercises, but with the preference being given to low- and moderate-intensity running, body-building with health-improving effect, swimming, sports games, power walking.
HR in students equaled 85.5-93.1 bpm (both females and males), which was higher than in the rest of the groups - 73.0-79.2 bpm. HR of 85 bpm and above indicated insufficient tachycardia, so it was necessary to increase the level of motor activity in the 18-22 year-old group and monitor their HR once or twice during each physical education class (see table).
Table 1. Functional state of men and women of junior, adult and elderly age
Indicators |
18-22, n=104 ( |
23-35, n=79 ( |
36-55, n=63 ( |
55 and older, n=39 ( |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
Integral estimate of the functional state |
90.5± 7.8 |
89.4± 7.4 |
83.7± 10.0 |
84.4± 7.0 |
82.8± 11.2 |
70.4± 8.6 |
76.3± 11.4 |
72.9± |
81.6 |
Large vessels stiffness index (m/s), 6.1-9.4 – norm |
6.3± 2.7 |
6.9± 2.5 |
6.6± 2.6 |
6.6± 2.6 |
8.2± 3.1 |
10± 2.5 |
11± 2.3 |
10.1± 2.4 |
8.2 |
Reflection index (%), 37-48 – norm |
27.5±3.1 |
30.3±2.8 |
26.8±3.0 |
26.8± 3.0 |
32.7±2.2 |
61.4±4.1.0 |
70.4±3.6 |
50.8± 2.9 |
48 |
Peripheral vascular resistance (Pa·s/m3), 1287-1331 – norm |
1440.3±129 |
1369±130 |
1280±131 |
1279.3±126 |
1206±127 |
1276±130 |
1377.5±125 |
1409.1±111 |
1329.7 |
Cardiac output (l/min), 4.3-6.1 – norm |
5.4± 0.7 |
5.6± 0.8 |
5.8± 0.6 |
5.8± 0.6 |
6.1± 0.5 |
6.4± 0.7 |
6.1± 0.6 |
5.6± 0.8 |
5.9 |
Standard deviation in all R-R intervals recorded (c.u.), 41-50 – norm |
44.8±5.3 |
46.9±5.1 |
57.1±4.9 |
57.5± 4.7 |
41± 5.2 |
38±4.2 |
38.1± 4.1 |
40.1±4.4 |
45.6 |
Frequency indicator of ANS activity (c.u.), 0.8-1.7 – norm |
1.6± 0.1 |
1.4± 0.3 |
1.2± 0.3 |
1.2± 0.3 |
1.6± 0.4 |
1.9± 0.5 |
1.9± 0.5 |
1.5± 0.2 |
1.5 |
Blood saturation level (%), 96-99 |
97.2±11 |
97.2±11 |
97.6± 10.8 |
97.8±11.1 |
96.7±11.2 |
98.6 ± 10.5 |
96.8± 11.6 |
96.5±11.7 |
97.3 |
Body mass index (c.u.) |
21.2±2.8 |
22.9±2.5 |
23± 3.1 |
23.1 ± 2.8 |
28 ± 2.7 |
30.9±2.8 |
29.9±2.5 |
28.1± 3.0 |
25.4 |
HR (bpm) |
93.1±11 |
85.5± 11.6 |
78.3± 10.5 |
75.3± 10.5 |
79.2±10.6 |
75.1± 10.4 |
73± 11 |
74.9± 10.5 |
78.9 |
Fat mass (%) |
20.0± 2.8 |
19.3± 2.5 |
23.0±3 |
24.0±3 |
29.8± 3.8 |
27.5± 3.6 |
29.8±2.9 |
29.6± 3.1 |
25.6 |
Biological age (y.o.) |
19.3± 2.4 |
20.7± 2.8 |
26.7± 4.5 |
28.9± 5.4 |
48.6± 5.6 |
52.3 ± 6.1 |
59.5± 4.8 |
62.5± 8.2 |
39.8 |
A pronounced increase in arterial stiffness (large blood vessels stiffness index) is observed in the group of subjects aged 55 years and older (10.0-11.0 m/s), which is due to the age-related changes. It should be noted that expressed arterial stiffness was detected in the group of men aged 36-55 years (10.0 m/s), which may indicate insufficient cardio load, unhealthy diet (running, sports games, power walking).
The small- and medium-sized arteries indicator (reflection index, %) was lower than normal in the groups of junior and mature I age and significantly exceeded the norm in the group of subjects aged 55 years and older (liability to elevated blood pressure). Moreover, 36-55 year-old males were diagnosed with significant hemodynamic disturbances (61.4%), which may be a result of a sedentary lifestyle. The reflection index can help timely diagnose constriction of small peripheral arteries as one of the aspects of pathogenesis of arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure. Increased reflection index - by 50% or more - indicated a high tone of the small muscular arteries.
Peripheral vascular resistance also serves as an indicator of haemodynamics, increased values of which may indicate hypertension. Our study revealed an insignificant increase of this indicator in the group of 18-22 year-old females (1440 Pa·s/m3) and in the group of men of 55 years of age and older (1409 Pa·s/m3).
Cardiac output in almost all age groups is within the normal range (4.3–6.1 l/min), it may increase either due to hypertension or as a result of sports activities. Again, it is the group of men aged 36-55 years where this indicator is above the norm (6.4 l/min) - arterial hypertension.
The vascular tone (sinus RR-intervals, normal range - 41-50 c.u.) was found to be above the norm in the age group of 23-35 years, both men and women (57.1-57, 5 c.u.). In addition, insufficient haemodynamics was detected in the elderly subjects (38.1-40.1 c.u.) and again in the group of men aged 36-55 years (38.0 c.u.).
Vegetative tonus is influenced by various physiological factors: gender, age, heart rate, breathing, and body position.
The frequency indicator of ANS activity was slightly higher than normal in the group of women of 55 years of age and older, as well as in the group of men of 36-55 years of age (1.9 c.u.). At the same time, the role of ANS is in constant regulation of functions of the bodily organs and systems depending on the internal and external stimuli. ANS helps maintain homeostasis (regulation of the internal environment) by coordinating various functions such as hormone secretion, blood circulation, respiration, digestion, and excretion. The level of blood oxygen saturation corresponds to the norm in all groups.
The body mass index in men and women over 36 years old exceeds the norm, as confirmed by numerous studies on the increasing number of adults diagnosed with overweight (25-50%). The fat body mass gradually increases with age and averages 25.6% in all groups. Biological age of men and women aged 36-55 years is disturbing, especially in the group of men.
Conclusions. The analysis of the functional state of men and women of different ages and groups revealed a generally satisfactory level of their bodily functionality. Of special concern are the cardiovascular system indicators, especially in the group of men aged 36-55 years, as well as in the group of students aged 18-32 years.
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Objective evaluation and interpretation of the bodily functional state criteria are some of the necessary conditions for a scientific approach to training process management, health control and planning of motor activity of men and women of different age.
Test systems and methods are widely applied today in physical practices for the health control purposes based on at least the cardiovascular system functionality test data flow, with the tests considered increasingly important in the context of the growing morbidity rates in the country. The test data may be indicative of the fat mass and its distribution patterns; spinal cord health; biological age; bodily functionality and physical fitness; and may be applied to design and manage diets and analyze health variations in the training and/or therapeutic process. Subject to the study were a few age- and gender-specific groups. The study data and analyses made it possible to identify a health-risk subgroup of 36-55 year-old males tested with substandard rates in every test. The junior (18-22 year-old) subgroup was tested with high resting HR and high peripheral vascular resistance rates; with the VNS activity rate tested close to the limit.