Emotional intelligence rating in physical education institute coach and students
PhD, Associate Professor V.R. Malkin1
PhD, Associate Professor L.N. Rogaleva1
Postgraduate Y.A. Bredikhina1
1Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg
The study gives a theoretical substantiation for the importance of emotional intelligence for the coach exposed to high emotional stressors as verified by the research data that show the emotional intelligence rate being in a positive correlation with professional progress. The study gives new data on the gender-specific emotional intelligence rates for physical education institute coach and students and demonstrates correlations of the individual creativity with the emotional intelligence rates in future sport coach. On the whole, the study data showed the coach more emotionally intelligent than the students albeit 40% of the sampled coach were tested with the average emotional intelligence rates that cannot but be detrimental to their professional service quality. The study data, analyses and correlations show the need for a high priority to be given to the focused psychological development and educational programs for future sport coach. Based on the study findings, we recommend the future studies in the field being geared to offer special psychological development and educational programs for the future coach to facilitate their emotional intelligence building process – due to the key role played by the relevant personality qualities in the professional careers.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, creativity, coach.
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