Underage orphans’ physical education technology design concepts



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor M.S. Leontieva1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Ermakov1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Arkhipova1
1Tula State University, Tula

Keywords: underage orphans, physical education, training, technology, concepts

Background. Modern physical education models applied in orphanages give a high priority to the innovative technologies to secure good physical, mental and personality progress – in view of the fact that orphans are normally tested to lag far behind their parented peers in these developmental aspects [2, 5, 7]. The situation is explainable by the unfavorable living and learning environments that hamper the physical and mental deveopment on the whole and the school education progress in particular [1, 3, 4, 6].
Objective of the study was to analyze and offer theoretical concepts for the underage orhpans’ physical education model.
Study findings and discussion. Any physical education (PE) system in application to underage orphans needs to be based on a set of concepts to secure a sound theoretical and practical framework for the service. These concepts shall be governed by the underage orphan’s development process logics in the physical progress domain for the PE system to be consistent and effective enough.
Excess/ deficiency concept of the underage orphans’ PE system design implies that an individual position in an unequal system is determined by the relationship system, and gives the means to break up the development process into certain stages or levels. This leveling is intended to classify the learning material; customize it to the actual individual development stage; and offer efficient and effective practical education tools for every development-specific course to facilitate the learning process. The concept makes it possible to sort out educational material and manage the learning process on an efficient individualized basis with the relevant individual progress encouraging tools and models so as to shape up a free, self-reliant, physically/ spiritually/ intellectually fully-fledged individual prepared to bear responsibility for him/herself and surroundings.
Educational process support and follow-up concept implies the support being interpreted as the indirect social and mental backup of the underage orphans facing certain age-specific personality development challenges. This concept of the underage orphans’ PE system design implies the personality progress resource of each orphan being fully untapped and mobilized at every education and training stage to help the child enter the relevant progress zone that may still be inaccessible, with a special emphasis on the self-reliant progress tools.
Educational process control concept considers every educational establishment (including boarding schools) as an integral element of the social organism operating as an integrated dynamic social/ educational system that shall be designed and managed on a systemic basis. This concept provides a frame for the underage orphan’s education management process to secure due succession in the educational process at every individual stage of development. In the long run, the concept makes it possible to find the most promising progress avenues for the underage orphan’s educational system with contributions from the modern efficient education technologies.
Cooperation concept implies the facilitating provisions being created for the personality developmental cooperative educational process geared to build up a fully-fledged personality with due emphasis on the individual goals, needs and interests. This concept requires every barrier for the underage orphan’s physical progress being removed to prevent any alienation, with the didactic process facilitating friendly and productive cooperation of seniors/ teachers with trainees and children’s interpersonal communication and cooperation based on openness, mutual support and trust encouraging educational ideology.
Developmental education concept is driven by the idea that any development process goes through certain cycles, with understanding that certain child’s functions shall be mature enough before the relevant knowledge and skills may be built up within specific developmental zone.
Subjectivity concept provides the means to make a transition from the traditional (directive) physical activity management system to the personality-centered format geared to mobilize the internal creative resource in the underage orphans, on a new didactic basis for physical education giving a special priority to the individual developmental effects of the educational service. This concept requires from the educational service to be centered on the individual needs of every underage orphan, with the trainee being viewed as an active subject of the service rather than a passive object.
Nature-sensitive physical resource development concept is driven by the assumption that every individual physical activity shall be harmonized with the human nature including the natural personality development logics.
Social progress prioritizing concept in application to the underage orphans’ physical education is focused on the socially important domain of the human nature including its striving to and readiness for a productive contribution in society; self-assertion in relations with other people; desire to explore and expand the limits of own social self; realize own social role and contribution; find ways and best forms of the socially appreciated practical activity; i.e. cater for the natural need of every human for self-identification and self-fulfillment in the social domain.
Conclusion. The analyzed concepts supported by the experimental data generated by the study provide a sound basis for the new physical education technologies being applied to secure progress of underage orphans on the new physical education process design and management grounds.


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Corresponding author: leontyeva72@mail.ru

Modern physical education models applied in orphanages give a high priority to the innovative technologies to secure due physical, mental and personality progress. Experimental study data made it possible to offer design concepts for the underage orphans’ physical education technology customizable to the individual development process logics. As provided by the excess/ deficiency concept, an individual position in an unequal system is determined by the relationship system. An educational process support and follow-up concept implies the support being interpreted in the case as the indirect social and mental backup of the underage orphans facing certain age-specific personality development challenges. An educational process control concept considers every educational establishment (including boarding schools) an integral element of the social organism operating as an integrated dynamic social/ educational system. A cooperation concept implies the facilitating provisions being created for the personality developmental cooperative educational process geared to build up a fully-fledged personality with due emphasis on the individual goals, needs and interests. A developmental education concept is driven by the idea that any development process goes through certain cycles, with the understanding that certain functions shall be mature enough before the relevant knowledge and skills may be built up at school. A subjectivity concept provides the means to make a transition from the traditional physical activity management system to mobilize the internal creative resource in the underage orphans. Nature-sensitive physical resource development concept is driven by the assumption that every individual physical activity shall be harmonized with the human nature including the natural personality development logics. And a social progress prioritizing concept in application to the underage orphans’ physical education is focused on the socially important domain of the human nature including its striving to and readiness for a productive contribution in society.