Ontokinesiological approach to school physical activity in context of school education progress agenda
Dr.Hab., PhD V.K. Spirin1
PhD V.A. Bagina1
PhD, Professor N.A. Bagin1
PhD O.I. Tkacheva1
1Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports, Velikiye Luki
In modern education science a high priority is being given to the efforts to develop new cerebral-activity-spurring methods to facilitate the psychophysical progress and improve the mental and functional capacities of schoolchildren – and thereby contribute to the mission and policies of the national educational system. Objective of the study was to facilitate the primary schoolchildren’s psychophysical progress by the initiatives to shape up the health-centered educational environment in a primary school. Primary 1-2-grade pupils of the Secondary General Education School-Lyceum #2 in Velikiye Luki were subject to the study. The study data and analysis give the grounds to conclude that the ontokinesiological approach to school physical activity design provides a sound basis for the primary schoolchildren’s controlled psychophysical progress and their cerebral activity mobilization efforts. This new approach makes it possible to design the physical practices in the sportizated (sports-prioritizing) school physical education process so as to spur up the motor neurophysiological program activating the body growth and development processes.
Keywords: ontokinesiological approach, physical education lesson, motor activity, educational environment, teaching staff.
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