Benefits of new strength and speed-strength training model with application of digital Kicktest-9 dynamometer for academic boxing sport
PhD E. M. Belikov1
A.N. Malinin1
1Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow
Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a new CrossFit-based strength and speed-strength training model for academic boxing sport with application of a digital Kicktest-9 dynamometer. Trainees’ progress in the model testing experiment was rated by a set of traditional and newly developed boxing-skills-rating tests. An academic boxing group of 16-22-year-old Class I-II to Candidate Masters of Sport evenly matched by weight classes (54-75kg) and sport records was subject to the experiment. The CrossFit-based strength and speed-strength trainings took on average 2 hours 3 times a week, with the wall-mounted digital Kicktest-9 dynamometer (made by the Sport Technology Lab of the Ray Sport Electro Company) applied to rate the speed-strength progress of the sample in the punching techniques. The new strength and speed-strength training model was found beneficial as verified by the group progress in the punching speed, strength and power in every punching technique. The CrossFit-based training system may be recommended for application in the academic sport system. The study findings may be helpful for the training system design and management purposes in the relevant combat sport disciplines.
Keywords: physical education, sports, boxing, CrossFit, students
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