Benefits of new physical education technology for senior preschoolers
Candidate A.I. Kavokin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.G. Mikhailov1
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
Modern school physical education (PE) science gives a high priority to the children’s physical development facilitating educational process design. The study analyzes benefits of a new educational technology for the senior preschoolers’ motor activity optimizing purposes with application of a variety of traditional and modern physical education tools. The study data demonstrate benefits of the new age-, gender- and physical-fitness-specific PE technology customizable to the motor needs of the 5-7 year-olds and supported by calculations of the optimal physical loads for each group. The specific group models are driven by a regression analysis with multiple regression equations making it possible to compute the required group-specific physical loads having the physical fitness test rates – which are known to correlate with the latter. The models provide the toolkit to compute the age- and gender-specific recommended physical loads for senior preschoolers based on the input physical fitness test data.
Keywords: educational technology, motor activity, wave training machines, Wushu gymnastics, active games, mathematical model, optimal physical activity, preschoolers.
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