Systemic analysis of offense and defense in classical volleyball
Y.Y. Kareva1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Nikolaeva1
PhD, Associate Professor Y.V. Shikhovtsov1
Y.V. Kudinova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Ivanova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Khrustalev2
1Samara State University of Economics, Samara
2Tula State University, Tula
The study analyzes a variety of the competitive game situations in volleyball based on the study data obtained by monitoring of elite men’s and women’s volleyball matches (n=48) of the Russian Championship in the period of 2016-17. Our analysis of the available special literature on the subject showed the issues of technical and tactical defense actions being still underexplored. It was noted that the success of defense in real competitions is still by far short of the model characteristics of elite basketball players. A special subject to analysis was the numbers of theoretically possible game situations in the offense-reception and offense-defense systems that were computed to amount to 288 and 9,072, respectively. The competitive process monitoring in elite volleyball made it possible to find and analyze the standard game situations in the offense-reception and offense-defense systems estimated at 8 and 18, respectively.
Keywords: volleyball, offense, serve, defense, reception, system.
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